Sunday, August 4, 2013

Worship in Another Language

This morning we worshipped with Bhart Bible Church in Kunnathukal. We were greeted with smiles by the pastor and congregation as we arrived. We were then encouraged us to take off our shoes as we entered. Yes, we worshipped barefoot. :-) Everyone was so friendly. There were lots of teens and children there and they were so friendly. I cannot speak to most of them and only one spoke to us in English, but for the rest of them I could receive their names and smile and that was mutual.

I cannot tell you the words to all the songs that we sang, which were many nor could I tell you the prayers of praise and adoration to our God by members in the congregation, but I can express that they were worshipping our risen Savior Jesus Christ.

Services there are so God-centered. We entered as they were praying. They would sing a few songs (I say they, because all we could do was clap) and then they would pray again. This cycle was repeated quite a few times. They are so dependent on the Father for everything - throughout the entire service. The songs were about Him. The prayers for to Him not out of their wants or needs, but in praise to Him for His mercy and grace (as we were told by our translators), and the message was about Him. I am thankful for that. Our churches in America seem so far from this sometimes, but that's a different blog post for a different time.

Michael preached from 1 Corinthians 15:1-5. God was gracious and kind in enabling him to speak the Gospel clearly. Other than the congregation singing "Because He Lives" in English, this was the only other time I could understand. Augustin translated for Michael and translated so beautifully with great passion and urgency of the Gospel being proclaimed! It was an amazing thing to hear Michael proclaim the truth of the Gospel and then to hear Augustin repeat the proclamation in a different tongue. It was a very poignant time that I have not experience anything like before.

We then entered into another time of prayer and then observed the Lord's supper. As Michael wrote to our pastor a little ago, it was a great reminder of what God has done through Christ's blood. He has united all in his blood. By us joining together around this ordinance this morning, that became something we could physically see. What we have already felt in the bond that we have with our brothers and sisters in Christ here in India, we were able to see in this ordinance. This was such as sweet time of fellowship and worship with them.

Abraham's son, Finny also shared from Scripture. I'm sure it was good; however, we could not understand anything! :-)

After service was over, I was suddenly surrounded by all the girls from the children's home and two super cute little boys who are also staying there. They all wanted to shake our hands. Each one introduced themselves to us. I communicated to them how beautiful they were and how much I loved their clothing - clothing here is always colorful and just beautiful! They were so kind to us. They asked us if we would please pray for them. I'm not sure why they wanted us to pray. It was actually quite humbling that they would ask us this. Michael prayed over them - for safety, for God to bring them up in His truth and grow them spiritually, for godly men who would become their husbands, for good education, and most importantly that they would worship God all the days of their lives. It brought tears to my eyes as Michael was praying to unite with them in spirit.

Look at this cute little face!
We had to leave quickly after they gave us Pepsi and bananas because of things going on later today, but we later found out that the pastor wanted me to teach the girls some songs. We are supposed to go back to this area tomorrow for a pastor's meeting so I'm hoping for more opportunities to share with them.

We are so thankful for this time and what the Lord is doing in us and in his Church. Stodrum! (I think)

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