Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Teaching at Logos

Hello to all!

It is almost 9:00 p.m. here in Trivandrum and our hearts are full. We have had such a wonderful time so far and as I mentioned to Michael tonight, it is already going to be hard to leave! I wanted to give you all a glimpse of what it has been like to teach at Logos. Michael is teaching Biblical Interpretation and I am working with students on English skills both in speaking and writing.

Michael instructing his class before chapel.
Michael interacting with his students.
Group work: Create your own proverb.
More group work

These are some pictures from my classes today. Students were working on article practice - a, an, the. This has been a challenge for me to teach because, as I shared with them, we are not taught to use articles; we just use them. So it has been a unique challenge to try to teach how to use them and when to use each one correctly. My students are also sharing their testimonies with the class. They are sharing about where they are from, how they have come to know Christ, and what the Lord is doing in their lives currently. It has been really neat to hear their stories. :-) Enjoy the pics!

Listening to their classmates tell their testimonies.
Sharing her story with the class.

Sharing his story.

These at BTH II students. They are so funny! I laugh the whole time I have them.

Sharing her story of how she came to Christ and what the Lord has done in her life.

All of the students working on their article worksheet. Some of this is easy for them and then in some cases determining the correct article is very difficult. These girls on the front row are very kind to me and help me mutter through pronouncing their names! Super sweet girls!

Article practice

Article practice
Article practice

I am so thankful for what the Lord has done in the hearts of these sweet people! May he continue to work so that all people may come to know the saving power that has been given to us by God in the Lord Jesus Christ.

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