Saturday, August 3, 2013

Jesus plus nothing really does equal everything

Today we went to the point of three seas - the Indian Ocean, the Sea of Bengal and the Arabian Sea. We went out on a ferry to this place where you can see all three waters come together. We also went to where Ghandi's ashes were and Ghandi stood at some point. We also saw some shrines/temples and just saw a lot of the country. So we traveled from Trivandrum to the very south tip of India. I don't think neither Michael or I thought we would be gone all day, but we were. We left our hotel at 9 and just got back a little bit ago. So we've had a full day. We were super blessed to have our driver chauffeuring us around and we are extremely thankful for Augustin who was our personal tour guide and the one we could ask all our ignorant American questions to. Nevertheless he was always eager and kind to answer with a smile.  

We could say two things about our day - one positive and one negative. It was very sad to see all the lostness - based on Hindu practices they obviously know there is something higher than them and they given the sacrifices and offerings they provide, they must believe that they are not good enough on their own account to come before that higher power. Problem - they believe in many many (Augustine told us today it was like 133,000,000 gods/goddesses). So that part is very sad and burdensome. But, hearing what God is doing and how the gospel is spreading is crazy! In our car rides today, we would ask Augustin questions or he would either volunteer information about religions, culture, or how the gospel is spreading in India. Many times as he was speaking tears filled my eyes because everything he shared was a testament to God's goodness and faithfulness to carry out his gospel. He is taking care of the believers in India. He is providing for their needs and blessing their ministries - as they would say - not because of anything they have done but because of God's grace. They know that the only way they can accomplish the will of the Father is to pray. Michael and I are humbled to hear the professors and students tell us their testimonies and desires to use their lives to further the Gospel. And they make it clear that every single aspect both in their pasts and their futures is all dependent and has been a result of God's grace. 

I am so thankful for this opportunity. We still have a full week, but I'm already trying to figure out how we can come back, what we can do to support the work of the Lord here in India, and how in the world I'm going to go back to my normal life in America. By God's grace, I will not go back to my normal life in America and fall back into complacency and a life of comfort. I want these two weeks of seeing the students' passion for the gospel and their desire to see the great commission fulfilled at all costs to change the way I live from this point further. I pray that our church can see truly from the testimonies that we bring back and see that the Gospel really is worth it all. Jesus plus nothing really does equal everything! - jana

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