Wednesday, July 15, 2015

This is not the end...

With all that we have learned, I feel a little ashamed that I'm simply writing a blog post.  Nevertheless, here goes:

This Is Not the End - Gungor

This is not the end
This is not the end of this
We will open our eyes wide, wider

This is not our last
This is not our last breath
We will open our mouths wide, wider

And you know you’ll be alright
Oh and you know you’ll be alright

This is not the end
This is not the end of us
We will shine like the stars bright, brighter

First of all, I want to acknowledge that these words are totally taken out of the context they are meant for, and honestly I don't even really know the song. But every time something comes to an end, these words always come to mind. It wasn't until I searched to find the song that I realized how perfectly appropriate these words really are. I would like to take a few of these lines and add (remake) a few of my own.

"We will open our eyes wide, wider"

We will be the teachers that look for opportunities! We will open our eyes to see where students are in grammar and meet them there. We will open our eyes to see where our students are in discovering who they are and what their story is and we will give them the free opportunity to get it out whether it be on paper, in digital form, and in make. We will open our eyes to opportunities to bridge the gap between content areas against all odds. We will open our eyes to assess when something doesn't work - even if that means assessing assessment. We will open our eyes.

"We will open our mouth wide, wider" 
We will be the voice of the teachers who long for change - who long to make a difference and break from norm that doesn't work. We will open our mouths to give the students option, to give the opportunity to share their voice, to open discussion to an uncomfortable, yet "safe" zone where the wobble can occur. We will open our mouths wide to fight for our students - to fight against a 70, to fight against the odds stacked against them, to fight against a self-destroying attitude, to fight against traditional teaching that does not help them. We will be the voice of student-centered learning. We will open our mouths.

"We will also open our ears wide, wider"
We will be the hearers of our students story. We will open our ears to their unique words - to their feelings, to their joys. We will open our ears to hear their feedback and use it to form our daily lessons We will open our ears to hear when something isn't working. We will open our ears to hear and assess them during activities. We will listen to what they are saying. We will listen to what they are not saying. We will listen to their opinions. We will listen to the loud student and we will listen to the quiet one. We will open our ears.

"We will open our hands wide, wider"
We will open our hands to what the day has to offer. We will open our hands to help our students. We will open our hands to make and become learners with our students. We will open our hands and drop the red pen. We will open our hands to receive their stories in whatever forms work best for them. We will open our hands to lift them up and encourage them when they are stuck. We will open our hands.

"We will shine like the stars bright, brighter." - 

We will shine. We will stand out. We will be bright. We will make a difference in our classroom. Our classes will stand out. Our learning will shine. Our students' lights will go off. Our students will shine. Our students will soar. Our students will grow as learners, as writers, and as people in our society. We will shine. 


On a last personal note for now: I'm really sad these three weeks are over. It seems so strange that just two months ago we came together as strangers whose worlds did not collide and now I can't imagine my world without you guys. How has it taken me this long to do SI? You guys have encouraged me, caused me to think, challenged me, allowed me to be free to be uncomfortable, and you have become friends. So enough with the sappy stuff! Love you guys and I look forward to wobbling on with you! Thank you SI for giving us this community. 

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