Monday, February 16, 2015

Growing. Every. Day.

Almost 8 months ago, I held this sweet baby in my arms for the first time. She is growing everyday! I can barely handle it! Oh, little did I know how the Lord would use this look booger in my life. I had no idea how selfish I was...still am. I had no idea how much motherhood would demand...I would give it even more. I had no idea how much love I could have for someone...This reminds me of the love that the Father must have for His only son. I had no idea how much joy this little body could bring to my life...the joy is in abundance. I had no idea how much I would pray that the Lord would make her heart His own...I want her to be with me at the foot of the Father for eternity. I had no idea how much a smile could be contagious...hers penetrates my heart even on the worst days. I had no idea how much I would want to preserve her innocence...but realistically I know that the Father cares far more for her heart than I. I had no idea that when she crawls away that the Lord would speak to my heart even now preparing me for the time that He could call her to go away from us to take the Gospel to others (yes, that happened the other day.) I had no idea why the Lord had given us this sweet gift in this specific time, but with every day I understand increasingly more. I had no idea how her sweet voice singing during worship at church could stir this momma to tears, but she does. I had no idea what joy the Lord was bringing into so many lives with this sweet baby, but He did....He does...and He'll continue to. I praise the Lord for this sweet baby :)

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