Thursday, February 12, 2015

I need grace...

As I recap my day, I look over to see a sick husband, I check in to see a sweet sleeping baby, thinking about all the things I need to do, want to do, should do, and I conclude: I need grace.

I need grace...when I'm trying to get myself out the door plus a wide awake little Kinleigh and things just aren't seeming to work.

I need grace...when I get to work later than I wanted to.

I need grace...when I don't get my way and instead of repenting of the sin that places myself before others, I insist on my way.

I need grace...when I'm trying to out the door and my husband wants to talk and doesn't move as fast as I think I need him to.

I need grace...when my selfish, anti-morning self harshly responds to my husband.

I need not say what my sinful self wants to say.

I need rely on when I say it anyway.

I need grace...when things just aren't seeming to click.

I need that my marriage resembles the marriage of Christ and the Church.

I need love my husband well.

I need encourage my husband.

I need care for my husband.

I need prep baby food...again...tonight.

I need fix yet another bottle.

I need love my baby in the midst of the tears.

I need point K to Christ in everything that I do - in celebrations and in discipline.

I need grace...when I'm at my wits end and I just don't know if I can take anything else.

I need grace...when I lack wisdom.

I need grace...when all I hear/see from my students is blatant sin in their lives.

I need knowing how to respond to sticky situations.

I need carefully pointing those students to Christ.

I need love the unloveable.

I need not make Christ or His Church look bad.

I need grace...when I see tons of posting on social media on how to be "skinnier", "healthier", and "attractive-er" (haha).

I need grace...when society tells me that my post baby body shouldn't look post baby.

I need grace...when I don't make it to the gym.

I need grace...when I judge myself for everything I have done and criticize myself for everything not done.

I need say no.

I need say it is okay.

I need run to Christ.

I need flee evil.

I need love well.

I need serve well.

I need live well and make much of Christ.

I need grace...and that grace in found in Christ.

So in the bustle of my week and increasingly in my weekends, I'm desperate for grace. I'm desperate for the Gospel that saved me - in making a wretched sinner a daughter of the King apart from anything that I had/have/or could have ever done. In the grace from Christ, we are free to fail and cling to the cross for His complete, satisfying substitution for every failure that we had, have, or will have.

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