Monday, July 29, 2013

Off to India - Guest post from Michael

As many of you are reading this Jana and I (Michael) will be on our way to serve at the Logos School of Theology in Trivandrum, India. In this quick post, we want to express our thanks to you and our Lord, and then share how you can pray for us more specifically.

We have been humbled and honored over and over again by the way many have supported our trip, and supremely, by the way the Lord has provided for us. To be completely honest, we weren’t sure how we would pay for this trip when we committed to go. But we clearly sensed the Lord leading us to go and serve, and confident that where the Lord leads he provides, we began making plans, purchasing airlines tickets, applying for Indian visas, etc. We’re delighted to share that the Lord has abundantly provided. The trip has gradually grown more expensive than we first estimated—we learned in the last two weeks that we’d need to provide the textbooks for the classes we’re teaching, a cost of over $200!—and yet the Lord continued to provide. The entire $5300 cost of the trip for both of us has been covered with a slight abundance we hope to bless our hosts with. The Lord is good. And the Lord’s goodness has been shown to us through many of you. Many have given generously and sacrificially that we might go and serve. We are deeply thankful.

As you may know, Jana and I will teach Indian pastors at the Logos School of Theology. I’ll be teaching Biblical Interpretation and Jana will teach English. In addition, I’ll be preaching daily in chapel as well as for a gathering of pastors outside the school. We desperately need your prayers because, with a heavy teaching load in a cross-cultural setting, we expect to be mentally and spiritually drained.
We would especially appreciate your prayers along the following lines:

1. Mental fortitude and energy to pour Christ into those we meet.
2. A sensitivity to and quick grasp of the culture we’re engaging.
3. Humility as we teach and serve.
4. Protection from spiritual warfare (health, attitude, energy).
5. Impact on those we serve, and lasting impact in our own lives and marriage.

As you have given and as you pray, you are truly partners with us as we seek to equip Indian pastors to reach the untold hundreds of millions of Indians who do not know Christ. Thank you for your love, support, and prayers.

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