Monday, December 16, 2013

The news is out...

Dear Sweet Baby,

The news is finally out! Your mom is relieved. I am grateful that I have not been sick or else our little secret would have been much harder to keep. I'm so thankful everyone knows about you now! People are so excited. Your extended family is eagerly awaiting your arrival and your church family rejoiced at our news this Sunday. On the back of our Christmas card to everyone, we included a sweet verse from James 1:

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

We do believe that you are a good and perfect gift. We also acknowledge that you are given to us as an act of grace from God our Father. We see that He is already using you to not only cause us to grow closer together, but to also bring us into a new level of intimacy and dependence upon Him. Oh are we ever so grateful. 

We love you sweet baby and pray for you daily,

Your mommy (and daddy)

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