Monday, July 29, 2013

People from every tongue...

We are awaiting our flight at JFK to take us to Dubai and then on to India. We are excited, but more than that, we are already exhausted. We have extremely long days of travel and with our venture out into the city, we are ready to be on the plane and snoozing!

While we were waiting in the security line, the Lord started opening my eyes to the people who were around us. And then he even brought to mind the various people we had encountered in NYC. He reminded me of words that I spoke to Michael earlier in the day when we were at the Top of the Rock viewing the city. Michael wanted someone to take our picture and I finally said to him in frustration that there was nobody around that could even understand what we were asking. You see, we were consistently the minority everywhere we went today after leaving Charlotte. Do I think that is wrong? Absolutely not! And that's not the point of this post. I often hear people at home speak ill of those that utter a language that they do not understand. But there is actually a gospel problem with that. For as I waited in line in security and was marveled at the various languages I heard all at once, the Lord in his kindness reminded me that one day, people from every tribe, tongue, and nation will be before the throne of Holy God - worshipping the One who is worthy of all praise, worship, and adoration. Praise God that he has revealed himself both in creation and in his son Christ and I trust that he is orchestrating all things so that people from every tribe, tongue and nation will in fact be seated around the throne.

For from him and through him and to him are all things (including people)! To him be glory forever. Amen.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Praying for your continued strength and God's blessings.
You just described my daily classroom! Today there were students from 14 different countries, only three of which were Spanish speaking! This is the WORLD of the little city of Spartanburg.
Looking forward to reading your blog as you have time. Love you!