Saturday, June 22, 2013

A Reason to students

I just stumbled across this from March 17th. I remember writing this to blog when I didn't have access to the internet. Thankful the Lord reminded me of this tonight as I was getting ready to blog.

My students point me to the Lord to pray. Funny thing most would say, but it is true. Though most of my students do not know the Lord, they still point me to him. "Why," you ask? For it is in the moment that I look around and see all the lostness I am surrounded by that I realize I am so weak and cannot save all these students, my kids, that are perishing. The weight of seeing my students experience the hurt, loneliness, suffering, etc. of sin is almost unbearable at times. I come home and tell Michael that I'm not sure how much more I can bear. I want them to know the liberty that is found in Christ. I want to share freely with my students so that at least I know they have hear the Gospel once. My heart breaks for them. I understand why Paul shockingly says he would give up his salvation so that all his people may be saved. If I knew giving up my salvation would save all the students, people, etc. that I come into contact with, wouldn't that be the least I could do? I mean, all those people to know and have intimate fellowship with the Father through the Son - the one through whom all things are made, the one through whom all things are sustained, and the whom to whom all things were made. If they knew this God - the one true God - wouldn't they believe? Wouldn't they taste and truly see that the Lord is good? This is the One who holds the answers. This is the One from whom we have hope. This is the One from whom we find rest and peace. This is the One who offers true, living water that will nourish the soul eternally. Oh, that they may know.

Oh yes, Lord, that they may know and be saved. 

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