Thursday, May 23, 2013

Reminscing...If only I could have known how I should cherish every moment.

Learning to cherish every moment that the Lord has given you is very difficult, especially when you lack wisdom and experience. I look back now and people that I have met, places I have been, and things I have learned have never been more sweeter.

I have days when a song or a phrase reminds me of someone that the Lord has so graciously placed in my life. I am so indeed thankful for his goodness to me in providing those people to me.

I could try to write all of the things and the little details that I didn't understand then, but it would far outweigh the amount of time that I have to write. I would be writing those memories until my last breath. But for now, I will only say how grateful I am for the Lord's goodness to me despite my unfaithful running away from everything that he placed before me. Oh how he pursued me relentless like he told Hosea to do to Gomer. I am so very grateful that he came after me with a relentless pursuit. After all, that is exactly what our gracious Father does. He comes after His own.

I am reminded that in blatant disobedience, He placed those people in my life that would force me to follow His will even if they were not aware. I'm thankful for a boss who told me to go and serve one summer and preserved my job so that it was there when I returned. For in that one summer, God ordained me to meet my husband. God gave my husband a clear direction as a result of that summer. God granted so many tiny (seeming at the time) details during that single event that effected not only our lives but the lives around us - and for that, I'm so thankful.

I guess to sum this up since it has been a draft for quite sometime is this - I may not understand (nor like) sometimes why we are here, why I am a teacher, why this or that, etc. but I do know that in every single event, every day, every moment, God is doing a million different things all pointing the world back to himself, all to glorify himself, all to result in good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose. So what if I don't "like" something or understand what's going on or what he could possibly be doing in a situation. I must have faith that he is working all things for His glory, for the sake of the world knowing of His Son. This alone will be my focus and what will get me through even those toughest days. After all, he has been faithful and proven himself a million fold!

We're going to India!!!

Months ago, Michael and I were asked if we would be willing to travel half way around the world. After weighing options, we agreed to go without really knowing any details at all! We now know that we will both be teaching at a seminary/college in Trivandrum, India. We are excited and eager to go and equip pastors and students who will then go back to their villages/cities where it may be very difficult for them to spread the Gospel.
Below is the letter that we sent to our family, friends, and coworkers:
Michael and I will be traveling to Trivandrum, India from July 29th through August 12th. We will be serving Agape Royal Ministries, led by Abraham Thomas, by training pastors and other workers at the Logos School of Theology. Michael will teach biblical interpretation and I will teach English to college students. The expected cost of our trip is approximately $4,500.

First, we ask that you would pray for us. Pray for us as we prepare our hearts to enter a country where the largest percentage of unreached people groups in the world lives. Pray for us as we make preparations for teaching men and women who will go back into their own country and share Christ with those who are lost. Pray that the Lord would grant us opportunities to clearly proclaim the gospel to the people we encounter. Pray for our safety as we travel and that the Lord would strengthen us when we grow weary.

Secondly, we are hosting an All You Can Eat India Mission Trip Benefit Dinner to raise financial support on Saturday, June 1st, 2013 at the home of Rick and Robin Garner. Their address is 1207 Confederate Road, Lincolnton, NC. The dinner is from 6:00 PM until 9:00 PM. We are selling tickets in advance – $12 Adults; $6 Child’s Plate. The meal includes marinated grilled chicken, sautéed green beans, baked potatoes, tossed salad, homemade roll, desserts, and drinks. (FYI: to-go plates are available; the dining is outdoors in a nice backyard setting.)

If you would like to purchase a ticket, please email us at or to reserve your tickets.

If you are unable to participate in the dinner and you would like to make a financial contribution, we would certainly welcome that as well and we can give you an address where you can send it.

Grace to you in Christ! - Michael and Jana White

We know that you probably give to various things throughout the year and are pulled in many ways, but we would like to ask that you at least partner with us in prayer as we go. Grace to you in Christ!
I will try to continue to post here so you can be updated as we watch the Lord raise the funds we need to go! We are anxiously anticipating him meeting all of our needs! Thank you for partnering with us in prayer!