Thursday, December 27, 2012

A Legacy

The legacy that my grandparents left is so valuable and I'm not sure I would have realized it this early had it not been for God graciously showing me as I thought on fond memories of momaw and popaw. So what is this legacy? They taught me to love the Lord with all my heart, with all my sould, with all my mind, and with all my strength.

My momaw and popaw taught me that loving God was important and not just important on a weekly basis, but everyday. I can remember from my earliest days of staying with momaw and popaw that we never watched our "night" shows or went to bed without spending time in God's word. We never went to sleep without spending time talking with the Lord especially when we were scared or was having trouble sleeping for momaw taught us that God is with us in all things - even the bad, scary times.

I remember popaw always listening and always testing everything that was said against what was in God's word - I was to be no different.

He taught me, and I've yet to master this, how to be humble - how to apologize when I am in the wrong.

He taught me that even though you want to stand up for something that is right, if you do it in the wrong way, it is sin and he taught me that by humbling admitting when he was at fault.

Momaw taught me what it meant to care for people.

They taught me what it means to visit the sick and care for them.

When the Bible speaks of being a woman of a "gentle and quiet spirit," she so very much displayed that more than anyone else I've ever known. I never heard momaw ever say anything bad about anyone and she didn't like to hear anyone else do it. She set an example for all of us.

It's a wonderful thing though to get older and look around and see that not only was this my momaw and my popaw, but it was their families as well. And obviously, this legacy far preceeded them.  I can see that the legacy was started in their parents and probably beyond that.....and so it continues.

There is no greater blessing than for the Lord to reconnect cousins - those of us who are great grandchildren - and for us to see that the Lord is the Savior of our lives. I don't believe they look down on us because they're in the presence of Almighty God, but I have to think that if they knew (and some of them did - such as my momaw and popaw) they would rejoice in our relationship with the Lord.

Obviously, you cannot take anything with you when you die nor can you quickly go back and make sure you leave something behind for those who remain. However, thankfully, they realized that the One thing that overpowers the grave - the one thing that live on - is the lessons that they have taught to their kids, nieces, nephews, grandchildren, etc and that lesson was founded in their relationship with the Lord.

Sometimes as I was growing up, I often felt like I was walking with very few as I strived to follow the Lord and daily surrender my life to his lordship. But as I get older, I am having the privilege of seeing my cousins actively walk with the Lord. I know how the Lord changed my heart and I see how he has changed my family's hearts. I'm so thankful that the Lord has been gracious to our family. I praise his for his kindness toward us. I praise Him for saving our grandparents, our greatgrandparents, etc. I see how much walking with the Lord and making him the center of your life changes everything. It changes your life. It changes your sons and daughters. It changes your granddaughters and grandsons. The Lord in His kindness used it to greatly impact so many of us for His glory! And for that, I speak on behalf of those of us who have been impacted by their legacy, thank you. Thank you for living out the Gospel. Thank you for teaching us who God is. Thank you for always pointing us to him in both the good times and the bad ones. For you taught us that in all things, Christ does and will have the preeminance.

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