Tuesday, January 17, 2012


This officially my start I the blogging world. I love to write, but the busyness of life and distractions have prevented me from a hobby I really do enjoy. For me, writing is a way to communicate things that; otherwise, I have a hard time expressing. It's also been a way that I have communicated through pray with my heavenly Father. The Lord has certainly used written words to sanctify me as I have written prayers study notes as I search His Word, and has provided me great comfort as i look back to see the Lord's faithfulness in every aspect of my life. I am indeed thankful to the Lord for His grace in enabling us to write and express thoughts and feelings.

It is my hope that this blog with be a tool that the Lord will use to teach me, mold me, help me to think on His Word, and encourage those that stumble along to read. But most importantly, I pray that by God's grace the Truth of His Gospel would be seen in every aspect.

"Not to us, O Lord, but to your name give glory, for the sake of your steadfast love and your faithfulness." Psalm 1:115

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