Monday, June 15, 2015

No One Rises to Low Expectations - UNCCWP SI2015

I have been starting and stopping this blog for UNCC Writing Project Summer Institute. I just can't seem to figure out what I want to write about. I know what I should write about, but that's not what is really speaking to me out of this book. I told my colleague that these few words kept haunting me...

No one rises to low expectations.

This is what I have built my teaching philosophy on. I want high expectations regardless of whether they are honors or academic - all deserve to be challenged. What has happened to me as a teacher? Have I forgotten this? I have high expectations for my honors for sure, but do I apply it in the same way for my academic students when my coworkers keep reminding me how they can't do it and I need to not expect much. Is this really where we have landed?

As I read through Teaching Adolescent Writers by Kelly Gallagher, I saw that my expectations for my student's writing was very low - not on purpose, but just because I had no idea what writing could look like in my classroom. Gallagher gave some helpful suggestions on how to incorporate writing in the classroom instead of just assigning and grading, which is where my classroom is at the moment.

I was thankful that he said, "the act of writing itself creates new thinking." Yes, thankfully it does. But how do I incorporate this into my classroom. I want to give my students the opportunity to think. I want to give my students the opportunity to write something that's not graded. I want to give my students the opportunity to spit it out and move on. I'm excited to see the tools that SI is going to teach me and give me time to think of so that I can facilitate this very thing in my classroom.

Another heart-wrenching thought that he gave was "If students don't write at least three times a week, they are dead." Seriously? Ouch! I mean, my students write, but is it helpful? Is it the free thinking, creative writing time that they need? These are questions I am still thinking through and hope to implement in my lesson plans for the Fall.

One last thing I'll leave you with as I'm sure this is "bad writing" is this - He quotes Peter Elbow to say, "a person's writing is often mixed up with his worst." He goes on to say, "I tell them it is a requirement in my class to produce a lot of bad writing. From bad writing, the seeds of good writing will eventually grow. This led me to this original beauty :)

So here's to a summer of a lot of bad writing! Let's do this!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Graduation Day

I wish I had a pic of the four of us when we started this journey together 7 years ago. I remember a promise that @_michaeldwhite and I made to each other and to the Lord was to see these girls through high school if the Lord would allow. Look at the gracious gift the Lord had given! I have laughed till I've cried with these two. I have cried because of heartache and trials with these two. And I've watched them develop into two beautiful women that I am so thankful the Lord has given me the privilege to be a small part of. I watch @_michaeldwhite interact with these two and my heart melts. The relationship the Lord has given us these two and their families is one we will forever be grateful for. Thank you @megangloska13 and @fallynkinman for letting us love you, have tough conversations with you, and rejoice with you in this phase of life. Michael and I love you both - ya know, one of those deep down family loves wink emoticon happy graduation🎓 We are so proud of you!