Thursday, December 27, 2012

A Legacy

The legacy that my grandparents left is so valuable and I'm not sure I would have realized it this early had it not been for God graciously showing me as I thought on fond memories of momaw and popaw. So what is this legacy? They taught me to love the Lord with all my heart, with all my sould, with all my mind, and with all my strength.

My momaw and popaw taught me that loving God was important and not just important on a weekly basis, but everyday. I can remember from my earliest days of staying with momaw and popaw that we never watched our "night" shows or went to bed without spending time in God's word. We never went to sleep without spending time talking with the Lord especially when we were scared or was having trouble sleeping for momaw taught us that God is with us in all things - even the bad, scary times.

I remember popaw always listening and always testing everything that was said against what was in God's word - I was to be no different.

He taught me, and I've yet to master this, how to be humble - how to apologize when I am in the wrong.

He taught me that even though you want to stand up for something that is right, if you do it in the wrong way, it is sin and he taught me that by humbling admitting when he was at fault.

Momaw taught me what it meant to care for people.

They taught me what it means to visit the sick and care for them.

When the Bible speaks of being a woman of a "gentle and quiet spirit," she so very much displayed that more than anyone else I've ever known. I never heard momaw ever say anything bad about anyone and she didn't like to hear anyone else do it. She set an example for all of us.

It's a wonderful thing though to get older and look around and see that not only was this my momaw and my popaw, but it was their families as well. And obviously, this legacy far preceeded them.  I can see that the legacy was started in their parents and probably beyond that.....and so it continues.

There is no greater blessing than for the Lord to reconnect cousins - those of us who are great grandchildren - and for us to see that the Lord is the Savior of our lives. I don't believe they look down on us because they're in the presence of Almighty God, but I have to think that if they knew (and some of them did - such as my momaw and popaw) they would rejoice in our relationship with the Lord.

Obviously, you cannot take anything with you when you die nor can you quickly go back and make sure you leave something behind for those who remain. However, thankfully, they realized that the One thing that overpowers the grave - the one thing that live on - is the lessons that they have taught to their kids, nieces, nephews, grandchildren, etc and that lesson was founded in their relationship with the Lord.

Sometimes as I was growing up, I often felt like I was walking with very few as I strived to follow the Lord and daily surrender my life to his lordship. But as I get older, I am having the privilege of seeing my cousins actively walk with the Lord. I know how the Lord changed my heart and I see how he has changed my family's hearts. I'm so thankful that the Lord has been gracious to our family. I praise his for his kindness toward us. I praise Him for saving our grandparents, our greatgrandparents, etc. I see how much walking with the Lord and making him the center of your life changes everything. It changes your life. It changes your sons and daughters. It changes your granddaughters and grandsons. The Lord in His kindness used it to greatly impact so many of us for His glory! And for that, I speak on behalf of those of us who have been impacted by their legacy, thank you. Thank you for living out the Gospel. Thank you for teaching us who God is. Thank you for always pointing us to him in both the good times and the bad ones. For you taught us that in all things, Christ does and will have the preeminance.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I'm a Backslider

I'm so very thankful that a friend tweeted this blog by Joe Thorn ( this afternoon. I was in the gym looking through my twitter feed and when I saw the tweet, it immediately drew my attention. So I went on to read it and found myself slowing down on the elliptical and trying to remain together as I read through the 25 Marks of a Backslider.

I have included the 25 evidences of a backslidden condition as follows:

1. When prayer ceases to be a vital part of a professing Christian’s life, backsliding is present.

2. When the quest for biblical truth ceases and one grows content with the knowledge of eternal things already acquired, there can be no mistaking the presence of backsliding.

3. When the biblical knowledge possessed or acquired is treated as external fact and not applied inwardly, backsliding is present.

4. When earnest thoughts about eternal things cease to be regular and gripping, it should be like a warning light to the backslider.

5. When the services of the church lose their delights, a backslidden condition probably exists.

6. When pointed spiritual discussions are an embarrassment, that is certain evidence of backsliding.

7. When sports, recreation and entertainment are a large and necessary part of your lifestyle, you may assume backsliding is in force.

8. When sins of the body and of the mind can be indulged in without an uproar in your conscience your backslidden condition is certain.

9. When aspirations for Christlike holiness cease to be dominant in your life and thinking, backsliding is there.

10. When the acquisition of money and goods becomes a dominant part of your thinking, you have clear confirmation of backsliding.

11. When you can mouth religious songs and words without heart, be sure backsliding is present.

12. When you can hear the Lord’s name taken in vain, spiritual concerns mocked and eternal issues flippantly treated, and not be moved to indignation and action, you are backslidden.

13. When you can watch degrading movies and television and read morally debilitating literature, you can be sure you are backslidden.

14. When breaches of peace in the brotherhood are of no concern to you, that is proof of backsliding.

15. When the slightest excuse seems sufficient to keep you from spiritual duty and opportunity, you are backslidden.

16. When you become content with your lack of spiritual power and no longer seek repeated enduements of power from on high, you are backslidden.

17. When you pardon your own sin and sloth by saying the Lord understands and remembers that we are dust, you have revealed your backslidden condition.

18. When there is no music in your soul and no song in your heart, the silence testifies to your backsliding.

19. When you adjust happily to the worlds’ lifestyle, your own mirror will tell the truth of your backsliding.

20. When injustice and human misery exist around you and you do little or nothing to relieve the suffering, be sure you are backslidden.

21. When your church has fallen into spiritual declension and the Word of God is no longer preached there with power and you are still content, you are in a backslidden condition.

22. When the spiritual condition of the world declines around you and you cannot perceive it , that is testimony of your backslidden stance.

23. When you are willing to cheat your employer, backsliding is apparent.

24. When you find yourself rich in grace and mercy and marvel at your own godliness, then you have fallen far in your backsliding.

25. When your tears are dried up and the hard, cold spiritual facts of your existence cannot unleash them, see this as an awful testimony both of the hardness of your heart and the depth of your backsliding.

(taken from Revival, Richard Owen Roberts)

Church-goers alike (I included) piously act as though backslidding is only for "those" people who don't attend church and do "bad things". How foolish we are! Some items on the above list we treat as obviously "bad things" such as cheating your employer because we immediately think that would unmistakeably mean stealing money from a cash register or such. But have we neglected to think about the break that we were not to take, or slipping out earlier because no one will notice or such and such does it everyday, etc. Hear the truths of Scripture: "Our hearts are deceitfully wicked above all else, and desperately sick; Who can understand it?"(Jer. 17:9)

I say those things not to point fingers at anyone or slam anyone, but to gauge my own heart. These evidences are much more revealing of my own heart than anyone else's.

I was humbled, mortified, and ashamed as I read through these evidences, but my heart broke when I got to the last one. "When you tears are dried up and the hard, cold spiritual facts of your existence cannot unleash them, see this as an awful testimony both of the hardness of your heart and the depth of your backsliding." You see, my heart gets hard quickly. If I'm not in the Word, my heart grows hard. When I get hurt, my heart gets hard. When I don't spend quality time with the Father in prayer, my heart grows hard. It is then that I hate myself the most! I grow so disgusted with myself - I know how to fix it, but now my prideful, hard heart will not admit to defeat and throw myself at the foot of the cross where I should be. Oh beloved, it's not too late! Just as I have so many times before; just as I do now - daily, throw yourself at the foot of the cross and cling to the One who came and lived a sinless life, die on the cross to pay for all the crap listed above that we do, and not only died for us, but gave us His righteousness so that we may stand before the Father. With news like that, why do we waste years in a backslidden state?

Today is the day - let's make it count to the glory of the Father!

Sola de Gloria!

(More thoughts to come...)

Sunday, October 7, 2012

First Meeting of Girls Gone Wise Bible Study 9/30

Last week was our first Fall discipleship class. This will be our 4th semester of discipleship classes. That is incredibly hard to believe given the amount of prayer, time, and planning that occurred years before the first class ever started. It's hard to believe that Michael and I have already been at Gainsville 3 years and are now standing on this side of the whole debate on Discipleship classes.

With all that to said, this semester I'm finally getting the chance to lead a girls Bible study that ranges from girls in middle school to girls who are in their later years of college (and a some older) :-) Saying that I'm totally excited and grateful these girls have come would be an understatement! In previous semesters, I have had the privilege to teach children - how to study the Bible and who God is! What an awesome opportunity it has been to teach them; however, my God-given desire is for girls and to see them turn radically to Christ and find Him as their all-sufficient Savior!

Last week in our introduction, we looked at what the culture defines as wild and wise. We looked at the hottest and latest fashion/teen magazines for "guidance". To say the very least, our culture is full of selling wild and foolishness disguised as wisdom. As I thumbed through the magazines, I wish I could say that it shocked me, but sadly, this was not the case. For some of the younger girls, they were somewhat shocked, but my high schoolers were not phased in the least. Don't get me wrong, they knew it was foolish and, thankfully, none of my girls dress like the examples we saw, but still...As a matter of fact, I face it everyday as I look at my students and other students walking in the hallways. What are they thinking? I wish I could grab hold of them and shake them. I want to wake them up! I want them to see that their path leads to destruction.

What keeps me from shaking them and asking them, "Why do you dress like that?" or "Why are you hugging and kissing all over that guy one day and another one the next?" or "Why are you using that kind of language?" The questions could go on and on, couldn't they?

What keeps me from doing that?

Their heart.

It is dead.

I weep as I write those words. O God, save them. I hear Paul's word through God's inspiration echo "And you were the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world."

Those apart from Christ are dead. I was dead.  When we are dead, what do we do? According to Scripture, we walk following the course of this world. We cannot expect non-Christians to suddenly act like Christians apart from being in Christ. Likewise, we SHOULD not expect or tolerate Christians who "follow the course of this world." The Bible identifies that as sin.

Now before you think that I'm suddenly going to start a whole think on hypocrisy, I'm not. As I challenged the girls on Sunday night, we looked at Ephesians 5. Our primary focus was on Ephesians 5:15, "Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise, but as wise." I asked our girls to look back at verse 1. "Therefore, be imitators of God, as beloved children." We looked at what "therefore'' was there for. In light of the Gospel - God, in his grace, sending Jesus to die on account for our sins and fully taking on the wrath of God that was rightfully due to us, taking it upon Himself and exchanging our sin for His righteousness so that we could fellowship with Christ - now, in light of that - "Be imitators of God and walk in love as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us." In the following verse Paul outlines things that believers, true followers of Christ, should not do. This is not a checklist that Christians should do this and not do this, but it all rests in verse 1 - be imitators of God. That is what true followers of Christ are to be - Imitators! With all my heart I desire to be an imitator of God. With all my heart I desire for our students - the girls sitting in this Bible study to be imitators of God. Please pray that we would be faithful followers and imitators of our Most Holy God. After all God Himself said, "Be holy, for I am holy" (Lev. 11:44; 1 Peter 1:15)

In closing, I know that some of you reading this are and have been praying for our bible study and for that, I'm incredibly grateful for. I desperately covet your prayers -  I need them as I am unable to faithfully teach them apart from the Spirit's work and for them, as only God in Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit can change their hearts. I sense the Spirit eager to work and that causes my heart to fill like it will explode!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Homecoming Week

So I know I'm weeks late, but I wanted to make sure I posted pictures from Homecoming Week. I have to say it's one of the advantages of working in a high school.

 I personally have two days that tie as favorites for me...

The first one - tacky day! Love it! Love the fact that I can wake up and pull one of EVERYTHING out of my closet and put it on! And to top it all off, I don't have to care about what I look like, which equals awesome for me :-)

Love the boots, right?
Love this picture! We were taking a picture and next thing I know, I'm being lifted off the ground!

The second one...Decade Day! This year my style was 80's workout!

On my way to school...Michael wasn't up so I couldn't get him to take a quick snapshot before I left the house!
Ashton and me before class started.

Me, Layn, and Kirsten
Twin day has never really appealed to me honestly, but it's because I have a twin everyday of the year. However, I had inspiration this year. If only every teacher could be like Mr. Steven Peeler...

And of course, I represented the Gamecocks on Favorite team day since it's football season and all...

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Missed a few...

So I know I'm already behind in staying up to date on posting, but it is due to 1) not having a keyboard for my Ipad and 2) my husband using the laptop every night until super late editing for a theological journal (yeah, not my thing and no, I'm not sure why he enjoys it)! Anyways, I will post pics and more stuff from this week.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Oh, Common Core...

So, I'm trying to writing thorough lesson plans this year. I'm not saying that I haven't been detailed before, but I actually want to include promptings that I give my students, questions to guide our discussions, etc. Along with the thorough-ness I am trying to make sure that all of my objectives align with the objectives found in the common core. After all, why do something that is not aligned? Therefore, I have now spent multiple days trying to figure out which objective fits what I'm doing. I'm super grateful for the fellow teachers that compiled a quick guide to finding the objectives; however, they are not specific. All in all, it will be good for our students, but oh to learn a new curriculum. This takes time. So for all of you that can empathize with me, here's to frustrating times of reading standards and figuring out what the heck they're talking about and how that matches up! Back to standardizing!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Picture Explanation

I have to explain why I just posted the picture that I did.

These two little precious faces are kids we ministered to on a mission trip oh my, 3 years ago! As I was flipping through pictures trying to find one that suited me for my profile picture I couldn't pass up these faces. As I look at the pictures I hear, "My name is DeeDee," coming out of the cutest little pucker face you've ever seen! Love this kid! The Lord brought back sweet memories of ministering the Gospel with our students and interacting and loving on these kids. As I remember them, I am lifting up prayers that they may one day know and worship our Lord and Savior! That is all... :-)


I'm sitting here needing to get something things accomplished for school. For example, I have one class's paragraph responses that I need to read through. I still need to type up lesson plans because I'm slightly behind on that and I thought I would be ahead given my students are in the library for research since Monday. On to the point, though. I cannot even bring myself to do any of those things. I have what feels like a lump stuck in my chest and I cannot get rid of it. I feel a bit of anxiety, containment, and eagerness all lumped together to create an uneasy feeling inside of me.

I am dissatisfied!

Simply put, but not simply solved. Ever since I was in high school and the Lord changed my heart, I have wanted to serve Him in ministry. I believe He called me to that purpose with all my heart. However,  my "job" is as an English teacher at a local high school. I love teaching! I love my students! I love being able to push them mentally and culturally, which I feel is so often misdirected. I love getting to interact with them, building relationships with them, and being able to speak into their lives on a much further level than if they understand a soliloquy in whatever Shakespeare tragedy we may be covering or what the donne of the current short story is. Despite the things I love about my job, I still feel dissatisfied. Why? What do I need to do? Is this dissatisfaction from the Lord? I'm not sure I'm ready to answer that completely - which drives me crazy because I'm a pretty black and white kind of person. But whether it is or is not, I'm not sure it matters at this point. I know the Lord is allowing me to walk this path to challenge me to pursue him in a way that I never have before. I am ever so dependent on Him and so what I need to do, is be still and know that He is God!

I have been in a funk and I am tired of it. I feel as though I cannot get through the day and it was then that Lord reminded me of who He is and of His precious grace. He brought a Psalm to mind that He was so kind to lay on my heart for more than a week earlier in the summer.

The Psalmist writes:
Bless the Lord, O my soul,
    and all that is within me,
    bless his holy name!
Bless the Lord, O my soul,
    and forget not all his benefits,
who forgives all your iniquity,
    who heals all your diseases,
who redeems your life from the pit,
    who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy,
who satisfies you with good
    so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's. (Psalm 103)

So I said to myself (yes, I know this sounds crazy), but Soul, BLESS THE LORD!!! Remember who he is. Remember that He is holy! Remember that He has forgiven you through His Son Jesus Christ! Remember that you were a filthy sinner condemned and unclean. But remember that it is Christ who took on your condemnation and exchanged it for his righteousness. Remember that you were once an enemy of God. But it is Christ who, though you were that enemy of God, brought you near to the Father through His own Remember that you were sick with a diseased heart. Remember, Hallelujah! that it is Christ who gave you a heart of flesh to replace your heart of stone. Remember that you were falling in an eternal pit of despair. But remember it is Christ who saved you and gave you eternal life through His blood so that you can spend forever worshiping the One true God!

Now, my heart is overjoyed! Now I don't know why my soul is in turmoil within me, but when I dwell on Christ and the suddenly fades a way!

Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ! 1 Corinthians 15:57

Monday, July 16, 2012

I wanted to get some quick thoughts down before we begin night two of our annual Vacation Bible School.

I had a workshop today in Kings Mountain. When I was on my way back home, there was the darkest storm ahead. I could see it. The sky was pitch dark, but what struck me was the brightness of the sun in the area that I was still in. All I could think about was how the brightness of the sun made the darkness that much darker. Immediately as I thought about that, the Lord was kind to remind me of His Word.

Jesus said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." John 8:12

and then...

"This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins
and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us" 1 John 1:5-10

If we have life in the Spirit, we should be walking in the light. And oh, beloved Christian, isn't it true that when we come to Christ sin gets become more clear to us. Praise the Lord that He shines His light into our lives so that we can see sin and, with the Spirit, seek to kill it.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


This officially my start I the blogging world. I love to write, but the busyness of life and distractions have prevented me from a hobby I really do enjoy. For me, writing is a way to communicate things that; otherwise, I have a hard time expressing. It's also been a way that I have communicated through pray with my heavenly Father. The Lord has certainly used written words to sanctify me as I have written prayers study notes as I search His Word, and has provided me great comfort as i look back to see the Lord's faithfulness in every aspect of my life. I am indeed thankful to the Lord for His grace in enabling us to write and express thoughts and feelings.

It is my hope that this blog with be a tool that the Lord will use to teach me, mold me, help me to think on His Word, and encourage those that stumble along to read. But most importantly, I pray that by God's grace the Truth of His Gospel would be seen in every aspect.

"Not to us, O Lord, but to your name give glory, for the sake of your steadfast love and your faithfulness." Psalm 1:115