Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Your Grandparents and Aunt Jada Are Expecting You

Dear Sweet Baby, 

When we got home from our confirmation appointment yesterday, your dad and I had planned on telling your grandparents and your Aunt Jada. We had been planning exactly how to tell them all at the same time for weeks! We finally came up with this idea and it worked perfectly!

All the messages are ready to go!

The packages are ready to go!

Within an hour (except for Jada who was out of town for something?) we had heard from all your grandparents! They are so excited! You will no doubt be both a Tarheels fan and a Gamecocks fan. Some will ask you how that works, and you can kindly let them know that it works in perfect harmony for your parents! We love you and now you are loved by five more who will surely spoil you!

We love our little Tarheels and Gamecocks fan!

Your mom and dad :-)

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Our first appointment

Dear Sweet Baby,

Today we went to confirm that you are indeed growing inside of my body. Surprise, Surprise, you are! I am nauseous most days all day, but I have found some help. I have been wearing Sea-bands for less than a week now and I think they are helping. I know you're not making me queasy, but your dad still talks to you every morning and instructs you to not make me feel sick! I love that he binds down and talks to you before I go out the door. You have an awesome dad already and I cannot wait until you are able to be in his arms. Keep growing sweet baby and we will see you at our next appointment.

Loving you,

Mommy (and Daddy)